Zappos Insights Group Packages

Zappos Insights

Group Packages

Success comes with company culture. People frequently ask us what the ROI of culture is. We think our former CEO, Tony Hsieh, had the best response: “Just because you can’t measure the ROI of something doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it. What’s the ROI on hugging your mom?”

Interested in talking with one of our employees on the impact of culture? Or just interested in learning more about how we operate? Check out our different packages below.

Zappos Tours

Take a tour of our beautiful, Downtown Las Vegas campus where we talk about our company culture, core values, employee engagement, and customer service.

Fee is $20 per person.
Email us to book.

Q&A Sessions

Sign up for a 30 minute deep dive and learn more about Zappos company culture, core values, employee engagement, and customer service. Can be requested as an additional service to our in-person tours.

Fee is $250 per person.
Email us to book.

Virtual Tour with Q&A

In our virtual tour we will talk about our company culture, core values, employee engagement, and customer service. This package includes a shortened Q&A session.
Email us to book.