Customer Reviews Rieker R9605-42

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Rating Summmary:

1 total review

Review Breakdown:

100%5Rated 5 stars out of 5

0%4Rated 4 stars out of 5

0%3Rated 3 stars out of 5

0%2Rated 2 stars out of 5

0%1Rated 1 star out of 5

Customer Fit Survey:

100%"Felt true to size"

100%"Felt true to width"

100%"Excellent arch support"

Additional Reviews

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Overall5Rated 5 stars out of 5
Comfort5Rated 5 stars out of 5
Style5Rated 5 stars out of 5
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Poor SupportGreat Support
These are wonderful. Super comfortable. I slipped them on and wore them all day at work and when I got home to clean house. Sometimes it's painful to walk or stand in other shoes due to arthritis in knees and hips. Wearing these pretty Riekers, I had new energy and no pain after a full day. I do have to order another pair because my Mom tried them on and didn't take them off ??
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