Zappos ONE Inclusion Circles

Zappos Asians and Pacific Islanders

Zappos Asians and Pacific Islanders Circle

The purpose of the ZAAPI circle is to establish an accepting and diverse Asian & Pacific Islander community to promote and spread awareness through healthy discussions and resources; supporting culturally diverse communities in and outside of Zappos.

Meet Our Lead

Linda Sar currently serves as the ZAAPI Lead and her primary role is delivering WOW on our mobile team. She has been an integral part of the Zappos family since 2015 and her passion for driving change continues to grow. Linda is determined to "keep fighting the good fight" and she encourages each of us to do our part to connect, grow, learn and inspire each other while working toward a more equitable future.
Black Awareness and Empowerment

Black Awareness and Empowerment Circle

The Black Awareness and Empowerment circle is dedicated to the enhancement and progression of the Black community, both within our company and with outside organizations as well. We strive to increase cultural awareness, educate and build on personal and professional development, and maintain support inthe fight against injustice We commit to these efforts through representation, leadership, and collaboration.

Meet Our Lead

Nerrick Jackson, Operations Manager in Kentucky, leads the BAAE circle and demonstrates a strong commitment toward enhancing the leadership skills of each member. The diverse backgrounds within BAAE allow everyone the opportunity to share their unique experiences, with unity and passion for the Black culture at the core. We believe the awareness being raised and education being provided will improve the Zappos experience for everyone.

Our Initiatives

Providing a safe space for employees to come together and have conversations that will lead to meaningful change.

Prioritizing the evaluation of our hiring, recruiting and progression practices, diversity initiatives, and advocacy that support marginalized communities in a sustained, long-term way.

Offering continued resources and education for both employees and leaders within the company.

Increasing Black-owned brands carried on our website and facilitating their marketing support.

LGBT-Z Circle

The LGBT-Z circle is dedicated to providing education and resources, and a little fun, to Zappos with a focus on the LGBT-Z community. As a company, we strive to bring our whole selves to work; this includes facets about ourselves that live within this community. Our goal is to provide a safe space to bring about a perspective not everyone gets to hear, experience, or understand all while keeping in mind our core values.

Meet Our Leads

LGBT-Z is an evolving circle with Lead Links, Cody Britton from our Las Vegas team and Jesse Fox from our Kentucky team. We are ever evolving, rebuilding to have a diverse group of individuals representing as many areas of the community as possible. Together, we believe we can provide a better understandig of challenges within our community and ways to overcome them.

Our Mission

To foster growth, personally and professionally, while establishing a strong community through social interactions, workshops, functions and education in the englightenment of LGBT-Z matters.
we - Women Empowered

Women Empowered Circle

The purpose of WE is to inspire, educate and support women within the Zappos Organization to rise to their greatest potential by fostering career opportunities, delivering access to education and supporting community outreach that supports success for all women.

Meet Our Leads

Women Empowered is led by two intelligent, inspiring, innovative Zapponians, Ashley Kasevich from our Las Vegas team and April schweiss from our Kentucky team. As one of the very first Zappos ONE circles, the initiatives and dedication to advancing women in leadership and beyond have proven to be effective.

Our Initiatives

Internal Development
Provide educational resources and mentorship opportunities to promote professional growth for all women at Zappos.

Bridging Communities
Bring together women and allies through evens and networking to build connections and foster a more inclusive environment.

Community Leadership
Supporting women-owned business and highlighting female leaders from the community to inspire women at Zappos.
WIT - Women in Tech

Women in Tech Circle

The purpose of WIT is to bridge Zappos' Women in Tech and their allies together in a supportive environment for culture, community, and personal/professional growth.

Meet Our Lead

Crystal Tyson, having been a game changer at Zappos since 2012, now leads the Women in Tech circle. Her primary role aligns, as she is a problem-solver with the IT Service Management team. Crystal is dedicated to maintaining an environment that supports a stable home and work-life balance.
WIT - Women in Tech

Zappos Organization of Latinx Circle

The purpose of ZOL is to promote Latinx diversity and awareness not ony within Zappos, but also externally as representatives of the Zappos brand.

Meet Our Lead

Rosanna Lopez, one of the long-standing early Zapponians, has worn many hats since she began in 2007. She current serves as the Lead of ZOL and her primary role sits with Tech Operations.