
tokidoki Logo
tokidoki was created by Italian artist Simone Legno and his partners, Hard Candy co-creator Pooneh Mohajer Arnold and Ivan Arnold. Legno selected the name tokidoki, which means "sometimes" in Japanese, because "Everyone waits for moments to change one's destiny. tokidoki is the hope, the hidden energy everyone has inside that gives us the strength to face a new day and dream something positive, that something magical will happen to us."

The Japanese-inspired designs of tokidoki handbags are rich with duality. Laughing flowers, winking stars, coy babies, sultry ingénues, rainbows, and children, among many other incredible artistic visions populate the world of tokidoki. tokidoki bags vary in sizes and shapes, including totes, satchels and messenger bags. They are provocative yet pure, cute and playful, sexy and sophisticated.

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